Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Increase Website Conversions

Increasing your website conversions is a sure-fire way of increasing your profits. Just image giving yourself an instant pay-raise by doubling your profits! You can do this in two ways, double the amount of visitors your website receives everyday or increase the conversion rates of your existing visitor count. In reality this looks like this, your website receives 100 visitors each day and you make two sales at a total of $500. To turn that $500 into $1,000 you need to aim at doubling your conversions. On the other hand, you could always turn your 100 daily visitors into 200 hundred to increase your conversions from two sales to four, making you the same $1,000. I think you'll agree the latter one is harder work and just doesn't make sense in the long run.

Website Design

A website should look nice but you really do not need lots of flash graphics. Flash graphics can seriously increase the time it takes for your website to load. Remember, you only have a few seconds to catch your visitor's attention.

When designing your website you should also make sure that the navigation is logical with your categories are grouped sensibly. It should never take more than a few clicks to find an item and complete the checkout process.

Trim the Fat

Increase your websites loading time by hosting your images and videos on dedicated image and video hosting sites. You can then embed the images and videos directly into your website without your server taking the hit each time your website loads.

You'll also want to place scripts (such as analytical and visitor tracking scripts) in the footer of your website so that they are the last things to load. Make sure you check with each script to ensure it can be placed somewhere other than within the
or tags.

Place a Lead Capture Form on your Website

This is one of the easiest ways to boost conversions, place a lead-capture form on your website. You will need to register for an account with a dedicated email service provider (ESP) to handle this but the low cost will be offset by the increase in your conversion rates. You'll now need to simply add an ethical bribe (a reason for a visitor to give you their name and email address, such as, a free report or e-book) along with you lead capture form to start generating leads. As soon as you have a person's name and email address you will be able to follow-up with them via email and work towards turning the visitor into a customer.

A dedicated ESP allows you to add emails into an autoresponder that will now send emails to your prospects on autopilot; you simply add the emails in the order you want your prospects to receive them and specify time between email (1 day - 7 days etc).

It can take (on average) 5 - 7 contacts with a prospect before they become a customer, making email, your autoresponder, a very powerful medium.


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